Monday, December 3, 2012

Weekend Recap- Half Marathons & Horses

We had another great and eventful weekend. On Saturday, Will ran his second St. Jude Half Marathon! He did so great, but I'm going to save that for a separate post! 

On Sunday we went to church and then went riding again that afternoon. My youngest brother, Colin, came along and we had a blast.

After we went riding, Cloud decided to do this...

She wanted to come along for the ride too...

This weekend's Instagram posts...

1. After the half marathon Sunday | 2. Our view from church Sunday morning-the Pyramid & St. Jude | 3. Cloud being silly | 4. Will and his three new girlfriends

I hope you all had a great weekend! Stay tuned for the half marathon post!

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  1. Those horses are beautiful! and that's awesome that your husband ran for St. Jude's :)

  2. Your post has me missing owning horses like crazy!

    1. Aren't they great!? Lucky to have a boss who lets me ride whenever!


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