Friday, April 26, 2013

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday to you!

If you follow me on Instagram, you've already seen two of these pictures, but I just had to share on the blog. I also think they're pretty accurate representations of how we are feeling today...we find out Baby K's gender tomorrow and I could not be more excited! It's quite an exciting weekend coming up!

Our ultrasound went great yesterday! We saw Baby moving all around and kicking and stretching. It's still weird that he/she is moving that much and I can't feel it yet! Heart rate was 149.

We've got two pretty happy dogs! Have a great weekend!

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  1. I looooove all of the dog pictures you post! They make me smile every time. :)

  2. Eee!!! So excited to hear whether your little is a girl or a boy!!!! :) :) :)

  3. SO cute!!! Enjoy tomorrow! Super excited for you.

  4. Aww what cuties!! I found you through the mommy linkup! Major congrats! I look forward to following along. I gave birth to my baby girl last November and she just turned 5 months. I love meeting new mommy's! :)

  5. Oh, I'm so excited that you find out the gender tomorrow!! Hooray!!


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