Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Weekend Recap: Easter

I have to start this post off by talking about the Grizzlies game last night. No, not because we won with about 5 seconds left and it was awesome, but because of who we went with. Our small group at church works with an organization called World Relief here in Memphis. WR works on bringing in refugees from all over the world to give them a new life in the U.S. The family we work with is from Somalia and they have only been in the country for a few months and have 3 of the sweetest boys. Someone in our small group was able to get Memphis Grizzlies tickets for last night's game so we had the opportunity to take this family to their first basketball game! I've never enjoyed a game so much. I think I had more fun watching the boys and their reactions to everything as they stood in awe of where they were and all that was going on around them. Even things as small as riding on the escalator was an adventure! We had such a great time and hope to be able to go back again!

Now, back to Easter weekend. I worked a half day on Good Friday and really enjoyed the afternoon with Will and our pups. 

On Sunday, we went to church - which was amazing by the way - and then headed over to my parents for Easter lunch. For some reason, I didn't really take many pictures, but here are the few I did take...

Me and my cousin, Shannon

The picture on the left is from Easter last year (when Shannon was pregnant) and this year I'm pregnant!

My dad rocking Harrison to sleep. He's also in the picture above in Shannon's belly! My arms were sore when I woke up Monday morning from holding this chunky monkey! He's the cutest!

Cody and my other cousin, Cameron. Cameron was having a blast by letting my brothers tie his legs together. Boys.

The Kassner fam...including Baby K!

My handsome brothers!

We had a great weekend celebrating our risen Savior with family. I hope you did too! All day I kept thinking about how amazing it's going to be next year when we've got a little baby with us! I couldn't stop wondering if  we will have a boy or a girl...what their first Easter outfit would be...what he/she will look like. It's all so exciting!

This week, I've got two recipes to share with you (one of which is 100% Will's) and our 13 week bumpdate!

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  1. Looooove those colors on you!!

  2. Oh how exciting to think about Easter next year! :) You guys are so cute together!

  3. Awww.. you're glowing! Great pics!
    My kids were on the floor, front row for the game last night and were in total awe!!

  4. You look fantastic! Glad you are feeling well!! Are you gunna find out the sex?

  5. Your hair looks beautiful! I'm glad you had a wonderful Easter. The holidays with kids are infinitely more magical than I could have ever imagined -- you're going to have a blast next Easter! :)

  6. Those colors are fantastic on you! WHat a great outfit!!


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