Monday, April 29, 2013

Weekend Recap - Gender Reveal

Wow. I don't even know where to start on this weekend! It was beyond great! I'm still on Cloud 9 after finding out Baby K's gender on Saturday!

I know this isn't exactly the weekend, but I had to throw it in because it was a fun date night! If you remember, my Christmas present from Will this past year was tickets to 3 shows at the Orpheum. (We went to the first one in February and I will have to say that this one was so much more enjoyable being in the second trimester! No nausea and I can stay up past 7:00pm!) We saw Memphis this time and loved it! Very appropriate being that we live in Memphis!

Our 16 week appointment - aka THE gender appointment! I was so excited about this...but also a little nervous that they wouldn't be able to tell what the gender was 100%. Luckily, they had no problem with it because Baby K was moving and kicking around like crazy! We had the sonographer put the gender in an envelope so we could take it to Kelly to prepare for the big surprise at Saturday's party. (And no, we didn't find out before everyone else. Kelly..and the sonographer...were the ONLY people who knew the gender!)

THE envelope. It sure was tempting to peek!..which is why it went STRAIGHT to Kelly's house after we left the appointment!

We had to celebrate with my first official pregnancy craving. Chick-fil-A ice cream.

My all-time fav ultrasound picture! Baby K says HI!!

For some reason, I think that Will's book about my pregnancy is more interesting than my books about pregnancy!

We went on a double date with Nate and Roxanna to Range USA. They have a special where you can have dinner, get 2 boxes of ammo and use the range for $50. (Don't worry, I made sure it was safe to shoot while being preggo. No harm done to Baby!)

The big day! In an effort to not make this post any longer than it already is, I'm going to do a separate gender reveal party post tomorrow. There's so much I want to say!
BUT...if you haven't seen what we're having yet, check out the video!

We go to Island Community Church based off of Mud Island in Memphis. Yesterday we were able to have worship right on the river and it was awesome! The only thing that would have made it better was a little sunshine! After worship, we had a crawfish and BBQ picnic. So fun! If you live on the island or anywhere downtown, please come visit us!

What a view, right?!

Amanda even brought Bentley to worship with us! He was such a good boy!

 What a weekend! I can't wait to share details of our party with you tomorrow!

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  1. It was such a great weekend!! I can't wait to see your post tomorrow!

    HA Bentley. He was good! I was very pleased with his behavior. I totally think we should have worship outside at least once a month!

  2. A BOY!! You must be soo excited!!! Let the nursery planning begin!!

  3. Again - I LOVE that video!!! So fun!! You look so great - look at that bump!!! :) Sounds like a great weekend.

  4. Congratulations! So excited for you!

  5. Cried!!!! Your face was so sweet. I loved the name reveal too! Such an awesome idea! Kelly did an GREAT job as always! Ill have to call her one day when we start having babies!

  6. Congrats!!!!! It's a boy and what a handsome one he's sure to be :)

  7. Awe I love that dress you wore for date night! Your bump is getting bigger, so exciting. And CONGRATS on finding out you're having a little boy! The name Crew is so cute :)

  8. hey! found your blog Kelly! we are sorority sisters! i just had a baby boy a month ago! they are SOOOO fun! i'm so excited for you! that little man will steal your heart the moment you meet him! :)

  9. found your blog through Kelly!*** (sorry)

  10. How fun!! I love this! We're BOTH having boys! I am so proud of you for being able to wait a couple days after, I was dying to know!

  11. So sweet!!! Love hearing & seeing everyone's reactions! :)

  12. I'm so thankful to have come across your blog. My husband and I are from Memphis and lived their the majority of our lives until moving to the Midwest. We are homesick not only for friends and family, but the beautiful city that is always so alive with community and soul! Seeing the pictures of Memphis just warms my heart and fills me with so much hometown pride!!! :)


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