Monday, May 13, 2013

Weekend Recap - Baby Registering

What a weekend! Our Saturday began with Will going fishing with my youngest brother, Colin and me getting some much needed sleep. I was able to sleep until 10am! 

Once Will got home, we went to Babies-R-Us to register, followed by Target. Talk about overwhelming. We didn't really do any research ahead of time on certain items and that probably wasn't a good thing. Also, who knew there were so many different styles/types of strollers to choose from?! Yikes. Luckily, I think we've picked out all the strollers we'll need, including a jogging stroller for Will. We ended up being at Babies-R-Us for 3 hours and Target for just 1 hour. Our registries still need some work, but it was exciting to go pick out so many cute things for Crew.

We may have overdone it on Saturday plans, but it was still a great day. After registering, we had about an hour to rest before heading to dinner with Tyler and Amanda at, you guessed it, El Porton. After dinner with them we went downtown to the Orpheum for Rock of Ages. It definitely was not our favorite show. I actually prefer the movie over the show...that never happens.

Sunday was Mother's Day and I woke up to gifts and cards from all my babies. (a.k.a.-Will, Remi, Ginger and Crew) Remi wasn't too interested though.

We went to church and then met Will's family at Aldo's Pizza Pies downtown for lunch. Delicious.

My view these days

 Will spoiled me yesterday and treated me so special for my "first" Mother's Day. I woke up to the smell of cinnamon rolls (which has actually become a regular thing on Sundays in our house thanks to him!) and his excited face as he gave me gifts that he picked out himself.

 I love that the bump is finally rounding out!

 Ginger is still mad at me for being pregnant I think. Can you tell? ;)

 This was one of the gifts Will got me and I had to test it out with Baby Ginger. She actually loved it which was weird. Will did so good picking this out! Can't wait till baby Crew is in there!

For dinner last night, we went to Cracker Barrel with my whole family and then back to my parents house for gifts.

This is my brother, Cody's, dog Montana. She was wanting a little attention I think so I took a pic with her. Cody is away for a few weeks with the Army so she's missing her daddy!

I am in desperate need of some sun.

 So glad I got to spend Mother's Day with my Mom and family! So blessed!

Nana & Papaw got this for Crew and Will loved it. I wonder why?

This cracks me up. Will's trying to push his belly out as big as mine.

For Mother's Day, my parents bought me the Snoogle body pillow. I was so SO excited. As soon as I saw it I started crying. Oops. They knew how bad I've been sleeping and that I wanted that pillow. I couldn't wait to get home and go to bed! I slept wonderfully. I only woke up when changing positions. I'm so thankful there weren't countless hours of me just lying there last night. Hopefully I can continue sleeping so well this week. Thanks Mom & Dad!

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  1. You look awesome!! I bet registering was over whelming!! I may need that pillow. :) Glad you had such a great weekend and were spoiled!!

  2. Registering is so overwhelming! I was in Buy Buy Baby for 2 hours just looking at what brands and items they had, then again for 1 hour with husband looking specifically at strollers and carseats! I am not even going into target for registering there!

    I bet Ginger loved hanging out in the sling! :)

  3. When I was pregnant with Cole I was on bed rest for most of the first trimester (and then some). It was a pain but I did have ample time to do registry research. Lots and lots of time. I'm glad you and Will had fun registering. It really could be overwhelming.

  4. I was adamant we didn't need two strollers when we registered, because it was "just stupid." We had gotten a Bumbleride and I figured with such a fancy stroller, who needs a jogging stroller? Haha, I was SO wrong. I got our jogger when Ethan was about 8-ish months old and it simplified life so much. It's so weird how there's a time and a place for each stroller. Good for you for registering one! Learn from my horrible mistakes, lol.

  5. sounds like a great weekend! you look so great!

  6. Augh makes me shudder just thinking about it. I researched and researched products before registering and it was still an overwhelming ha. Luckily we live in the technology age and you can update/change your registry online with a simple click :)

    Love the maxi dress! You look beautiful in it!

  7. Registering is definitely something I dread when the time comes for babies in this family. It seems so stressful and overwhelming. There is sooo much stuff and everyone has a different opinion about it all.

    Love your Mother's Day dress! You're looking super cute :)

  8. yeah for registering!! and parking in the expentant mom parking :) I LOVE that dress and wanted it - i may have to go get it. you look beautiful!!!!


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