Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend Recap - Mexican Food

I'm coming out of this weekend with only two pictures to show for it. That's a big change for me. Nonetheless, it was a great weekend and I'm a little upset it went by so fast.

Friday night we stayed home for dinner and then made some brownies to celebrate Will passing his second Praxis. I'm sure we watched reruns of Big Bang Theory that night.

On Saturday morning we got up to help Tyler and Amanda move into their new place. It was fun helping, but it sure wore me out! They treated us to our favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch too!

After running a few errands that afternoon we came home and napped until about 6pm. Told you I was tired! We went to dinner with our friends Mark and Brooke at Frida's in Midtown...which also happens to be Mexican food. You know I'm a sucker for Mexican and salsa so it didn't bother me at all! Yum!

Saturday night was terrible on the pregnancy symptom front. Remember those round ligament pains I told you about? Saturday night was the worst it's ever been. I've had these pains about 3-4 times so far and it's always on the left side. Usually I can lay on my right side and that helps, but for some reason nothing was working. I stood in a warm shower for a while hoping that would help. Come to find out, all of the extra activity of our Saturday morning made the ligament pains worse. Oops.

Sunday morning we slept in since I had been up so much the night before. We missed church, but thankfully we can listen to it on the podcast later this week. My parents brought over some clothes for Crew that afternoon. I think they went a little crazy over some sales at Dillard's and a few other places. Fine with me! This was Will's favorite outfit so far. He says Crew can wear this when they go running together. Looks like we'll need to register for a running stroller!

After couples group last night, we had dinner with some friends at Young Avenue Deli in Midtown. It was our first time there and we really liked it. Their sweet potato fries were amazing. And that's coming from someone who absolutely hates sweet potatoes! I think I liked them so much because they were covered in cinnamon and sugar and you couldn't even taste the sweet potato.

Overall, a great weekend with so many great friends!

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  1. Which Mexican restaurants did you go to? I really loved El Porton when we lived in Memphis!

  2. Sounds like a successful weekend!

  3. Somehow we STILL haven't been to Young Avenue Deli. It's on our to-eat list, but we just don't make it to Midtown often. I've heard great things about it, though!

    Sorry that the pain was so bad this weekend! That's no fun. :(


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