Monday, June 17, 2013

Weekend Recap - Father's Day

We had a pretty nice, relaxing weekend. We met up with Tyler and Amanda Friday night for some Jerry's Sno Cones. Yum!

On Saturday, Will worked all morning so that meant I got to sleep in...which was needed and appreciated! That afternoon we went to Lowe's to get paint samples for the baby nursery and I can't wait to see how they look on the wall! I'm still having so much trouble deciding what fabrics I want to use for the crib/curtains, but maybe seeing the paint on the wall will help.

Saturday night we went to my parents' for a Father's Day dinner. It was nice spending time with the fam!

I am so thankful for my Daddy-O and how impactful he has been on my life! Crew told me he can't wait to meet his Poppy!
Sunday morning we went to church. The entire time we were standing up singing, Crew was kicking away. I think he loved the music. I got a little emotional thinking about our baby boy. My main hope and prayer for him is that he grows up loving the Lord and accepting Christ as his Savior one day. I couldn't help but get teary-eyed just thinking about it! 

 After church Will and I went to lunch and stopped by an estate sale on the way home. I'm on the hunt for unique/vintage things for the nursery. I ended up getting a vintage decorative pillow for $1 that I think might end up in Crew's room. Will got a vintage gas can for $5 that he was pretty excited about.

Yesterday afternoon Will started priming the nursery. Our spare bedroom was a bright fire engine red previously. I lived in this house all throughout college and this was the color my first roommate painted it. It took 8 coats of paint to get that red on the wall so I never wanted to change it until we were ready to paint for a baby. I knew it'd be hard to cover up the red. Will got one coat of primer on the walls, but it's going to need a second one!
Remi, Ginger and I were hanging out keeping Will company while he painted, but the fumes were getting too strong so we had to go to another room. Whew!

Bye bye red walls!

Will's audience :)
We are also trying to sell the bedroom suite on Craigslist this week which is why there's a bare mattress. We've got a lot of rearranging/organizing to do before Crew gets here. Will had been using the closet in this room for his clothes too. We emptied out the room and ended up putting so much stuff in the attic. I can't wait till the room is filled with Crew and all his baby things!

Remi, Ginger and Crew got Will some of his favorite things from Target for Father's Day along with Father's Day cards. I think he liked it all! He's going to be such a good daddy to Crew!
I took this last night while Will was in his "man cave" cleaning his gun and Remi stood watch. Love my boys!

Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

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  1. Sounds like a great weekend! YAY for painting the nursery! So exciting!! You have a snow cone place? Yum! We don't have those!!

  2. Looks like a perfect weekend! Your dogs are adorable :) I can't wait to see how the nursery turns out!

  3. Sounds like you had an amazing weekend!! Happy Fathers day to your hubs!

  4. i've gotten teary eyed so many times during worship at church thinking about our baby! and yeah for starting the nursery!

  5. What a great feeling to be starting the nursery! It's so much fun. I'm getting excited about digging out Sofia's baby clothes and washing them up for the new baby. You're looking great!


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