Monday, June 24, 2013

Weekend Recap - Ordination

I've been wishing all morning that today could be Saturday part 2 to make up for how tired yesterday made me. This weekend was Will's ordination weekend and I'll be doing a separate post on that with more pictures.

Friday night we ate dinner with my family. I've been craving spaghetti so my mom made some for dinner and it hit the spot!

Saturday we had ZERO plans all day. I don't remember the last time that happened. It was nice, but I also kept telling Will that I was bored or saying, "Now what to do you want to do?" Will went fishing, we went to a few estate sales, got some more nursery primer at Lowe's, took a nap and went on two walks with the dogs. I love days that I can just spend with Will and our pups.
 Remi loves the body pillow

On Sunday night Will was ordained at our home church. It was so special because our (current) pastor got to be there to speak along with the pastor we grew up listening to. We love them both so much and were so lucky to have them there to speak to/ordain Will. Like I said, I'll be doing a separate post on this tomorrow. We had so many family members and friends there supporting us and it just made us both so happy. We are so lucky and blessed by the people we have in our lives.

Hope you had a great weekend too! We'll be spending the week preparing for Will's big trip to Africa!

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  1. You look amazing! Love your dress.

  2. i love days when we have no plans!! and i love that black dress - you are beautiful!

  3. I love you in that dress! So pretty. Do you mind me asking you where you bought it? I'm looking for a good dress for a wedding next week :) Good luck this week with all the preparations!

  4. So exciting that he was ordained!


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