Monday, August 19, 2013

baby shower #1

Is that not the most beautiful cake you've ever seen? It was equally delicious, trust me!

A week ago, we had our first baby shower for sweet Crew. It was given by two couples from our "Couples Group" at church. (One couple being Amanda and was also at their beautiful home!) It is so amazing to think that just one year ago we didn't know any of these people we now call great friends. God is so good and we are so thankful he led us to ICC where we would meet and fall in love with so many amazing people.

Our hosts know us so well....a Mexican food bar! YUM!

I'll try not to bore you with too many gift pictures, but I'll just say that we got some great things! Have I mentioned that we are blessed?!

(And you can see sweet Bentley, co-star of The Sequined Spaniel, in the background)

The cutest jeans and suspenders EVER. I can't wait for Crew to wear these!

(Bella, co-star of The Sequined Spaniel, loved assisting with the gift-opening process)

My youngest brother's girlfriend, Ashley, (seen in the photo right behind me....with my ecstatic and happy-to-be-there baby brother) made this amazing quilt for Crew. Even the stitching was in the shape of giraffes! I can't even say how special this is! I know she spent so much time on it and we can't wait for Crew to be here to put it to good use!

Camo booty!

Mint booties and a newborn hat from the mint-lover herself (Amanda)

I think Bentley is a little unsure how to sit with a giant belly in the way...

We had a great night celebrating Crew with some great friends. We can't wait for him to meet all of them!!
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  1. Love the camo!! The cake is too cute!!!

  2. Looks like fun! I love that cake and the quilt is gorgeous!!

  3. That cake is awesome!!!!
    Also the mint booties and hat are fabulous!

  4. You guys got some GREAT, fun gifts! BTW -- you are looking amazing in that dress! So fun :) a Mexican food bar? YUM!

  5. Looks like so much fun! A Mexican food bar sounds DELICIOUS!

  6. That cake! Oh my word, it's so beautiful. Looks like a great time celebrating baby boy.

  7. The cake looks amazing!! It looks like you guys had a blast! :)

  8. New to your blog! Congrats on the little one on the way. Boys are fun. :)

  9. Hey girl! Catching up on some of the blog posts I missed while I was in Italy. Looks like you had a LOVELY shower! The cake is precious!


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