Monday, August 12, 2013

Weekend Recap - First Baby Shower

Another great weekend has flown by. We had our first baby shower this weekend. It was given by our couples group at church and we loved it. I'll do a separate post for it later this week, but here are a few iPhone photos for now!

On the way to the shower...

Remi and Ginger seem to think that any toy/stuffed animal we get for Crew should be theirs. Ginger spent a majority of the day Sunday staring through the bars on the crib and whining because she couldn't get to this stuffed lion.

At church yesterday morning, the THREE of us got to give the welcome greeting!

Yesterday afternoon my Dad came over to put the finishing touches on our closet renovation. I'll hopefully also have a before/after post on that too!

Will and Remi cuddling last night...

On the pregnancy front, I am officially uncomfortable. 
8 weeks to go.

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  1. Can't wait to hear about the shower!

    Love the song choices for church! :) Exciting that all of you got to talk!

    Your comfort level will just go down hill from here on out, unfortunately! :/

  2. Aw can't wait to see pictures from your shower!!

  3. I can't wait to see shower photos!

  4. The best way to describe myself as well: uncomfortable. I don't know how we will last another 7-8 weeks!!!

  5. yeah for your baby shower!! it starts feeling so much more real when you have baby stuff filling up your house!


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