Monday, September 16, 2013

baby shower #3

One of the perks of having a great photographer friend is having a great photographer friend who's one of the hostesses for your baby shower! Thank you, Kelly Ginn, for these photos!

My amazing friends Roxanna and Kelly gave Crew and I our last baby shower. It was so special. The decorations and food were awesome. R & K are both so incredibly creative and I had no doubt the shower would be anything less than perfect.

The game of guessing the circumference of my belly...For the record, everyone but one person wayyy over-guessed!

Has anyone picked up on the theme for Crew's nursery yet???

It was a great shower to end with..thank you Rox and Kelly! We love you both so much!

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  1. Oh man love the last two pictures!! Great gifts! Best themed shower!!

  2. So cute!!! What an amazing shower! And great gifts. wow.

  3. Love that last picture! You look beautiful! Almost go time :)
    Can't wait to see the handsome little man!


  4. ahh what a fantastic looking shower! i love the owls and foxes and of course all the yummy looking goodies. crew is already one very much loved boy!

  5. Wow! They did a great job! Can't wait to see the nursery reveal :)

  6. I can't wait to see the nursery either! What a fun shower (:

  7. LOVE LOVE the last picture! I want to have one made for sure! ;)

  8. I love the last two prints/photos in the last picture.


  9. Love the canvas!!! Your friends are so sweet!


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