Tuesday, September 24, 2013


We've been pretty busy lately trying to prepare for Crew. From decorating the nursery, cleaning and grocery shopping, it's kept me pretty worn out! Hopefully it's just making the time go by faster though!

This was last Sunday after going to church where my grandparents are members, my parents grew up (& got married), and where I went when I was little - They celebrated 100 years as a church! (37 weeks)

We got the carseat installed and ready to go!...with the help of Remi of course. (37 weeks, 1 day)

Last Friday night we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant with Tyler and Amanda. I asked for the spiciest thing they had to try and urge Crew to come out...must not have been spicy enough because he's still not here! (37 weeks, 5 days)

Tiffany and baby Elliott sent the sweetest gifts to Crew this past weekend. I can't wait to use it all! I love blog friends! (37 weeks, 6 days)

Will gave his first pedicure last weekend also! He did pretty good for his first time! (Thank goodness because I can hardly reach my toes!) (37 weeks, 6 days)

We got home from the grocery last night and realized how many apple things I wanted to buy. I guess I'm craving it?! Weird thing is, I don't even like apples that much normally. (38 weeks, 1 day)

That's pretty much all that has been going on around here. We are so ready to meet Crew and cannot believe it's almost time! I (still) have not packed our hospital bags, but it is on the to do list for the next few days. My last day of work before maternity leave is tomorrow or Thursday so hopefully I'll have a few days to rest...and finish all we have to do...before our sweet baby gets here. BUT if he wants to come before our list is completed, that's fine too! I keep thinking things like, "this could be our last Tuesday as just Will and Courtney." It's so crazy to think our son will be here any day now!

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  1. I keep thinking the same things - this could be my last grocery shop before baby or last Monday!! The wait is hard but I am trying to enjoy every minute. That black dress on you looks so great!! Now get that bag packed and you are set! :)

  2. Haha it's the perfect season to be craving apples!! I can't believe you are already almost 40 weeks!! I remember like it was yesterday I was so desperate to get myu baby out and now she's going on 10 months!! EEK!!

  3. So excited to see when Crew gets here! I know the last few weeks of pregnancy are so hard but before you know it, he'll be in your arms :)

  4. I will be watching for updates from you!!! I can't wait until he arrives. You are so close and it is so exciting to see all of us coming up to our due dates and giving birth!

  5. I have really enjoyed keeping up with your pregnancy as I am right behind you (37 weeks tomorrow). Hoping you have a safe and healthy delivery. Can't wait to hear. You look great!

  6. my son was 42 weeks, and we tried so much spicy food! someone told me that super buttery, garlicy italian food worked. i tried with my daughter and went into labor that night!!


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