Monday, September 30, 2013

maternity photos | part one

I couldn't have been happier with the way our maternity photos turned out. With a photographer like Kelly Ginn, I know she will go above and beyond our expectations every time.

One of the very first things Will & I decided when we got pregnant (or even possibly before that) was that we wanted Kelly to document our entire pregnancy, from beginning to end...and beyond. She took our 3 year anniversary photos this year where I happened to be about 9-10 weeks pregnant, she was very involved with our gender reveal (the FIRST person to know we were having a boy!) and now she has taken my maternity photos. I think what I am most excited about is that she will be in the delivery room with us documenting Crew's debut into the world. I'm more than excited...I'm ecstatic. I have seen so many examples of tasteful delivery photos and trust Kelly 100% to capture such a special moment in our lives. Any day recently that I know Kelly has a wedding to shoot I get nervous that Crew will decide that it's time to be born and that she will miss it, but I think we are in the clear least until next Saturday! And according to my doctor, we will have a baby boy in our arms by then so I don't have to worry about Kelly missing Crew's big moment!

We took these photos at 33 weeks in a nearby field with perfect sunlight!

All photos courtesy of Kelly Ginn Photography

....and because there are SO many photos that I like and I don't want to totally overload one post, I'll post part two tomorrow!
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  1. so pretty!
    Can't wait to see how the delivery photos turn out, that's something I want to do one day!

  2. Let's hope Crew debuts during the day during the week :)

  3. So gorgeous! Love these and it's awesome that you have such a great relationship with your photographer :)

  4. these are aamazing as well! so beautiful!


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