Thursday, October 3, 2013

39 weeks...the LAST bumpdate!

As you read this, we'll be in the hospital waiting to meet our sweet baby! Be sure to follow me on Instagram for updates and to see when Crew makes his debut into the world! @courtkassner

How far along are you?
39 weeks! It's so hard to believe we'll be meeting our son TODAY!!

How big is Baby?
He's the size of a watermelon - His brain is still rapidly developing - His fingernails may extend past his fingertips - We'll find out his exact weight today!

Weight Gain? 
32 lbs.
I'm ready to start working towards my pre-baby body!

a boy!

Maternity Clothes?

Stretch Marks?
A few on the bottom of my belly since about 35 weeks

I haven't been sleeping well through the night, but that's nothing new. I'm sure it's just nerves mixed with being so large and uncomfortable! Since being off work for a week now, I've been able to sleep in every morning and try and stock up on some sleep hours!

Nausea - reflux - face breakouts - cramping

He's had his feet crammed up against my ribs this past week and it's been so uncomfortable! I've got to sit up extra straight to try and give myself some more breathing room!

Food Cravings/Aversions?

Labor Signs?
Right now...yes!

Belly Button in or out?

What I miss?
Being mobile!

What I am looking forward to?
Meeting our son TODAY!

Best moment of the week?
Obviously, we're having Crew today

Daddy's feeling?
"Holy moly! This is really happening! I keep trying to think about what its going to be like to hold Crew for the first time...but I don't know what to think because I know that actually holding him will be more awesome than anything I can imagine. I can't wait to meet our son. I can't wait to be a dad with the most amazing mom in the world. What a blessing!" 

I’m feeling?
I'm nervous about how labor will go. I'm anxious. I'm just ready to hold Crew in my arms. It's so crazy to think about how one minute he'll be in my belly and the next we'll be holding him and kissing him. I can't wait!

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  1. Wishing you all the best today! Can't wait for photos :)

  2. Wishing you all the best today! Can't wait for photos :)

  3. Congrats! That is great news! Can't wait to see pictures of Crew!!

  4. Yea! Good luck girl! Enjoy every minute of's the most special day of your life!

  5. Praying for a healthy labor and recovery!

  6. Oh sweetie what a road it's been!! My goodness I can't believe this was your LAST (for now) bumpdate. So excited to meet baby Crew! Many blessings to you all and can't wait to see pics!! XO

  7. OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! Congratulations and good luck!!!!! Can't wait to see his precious face (if you post it). Yay!!!!!!! So exciting!


  8. Praying for a safe delivery, healthy baby, and easy recovery!! It's been so fun to follow you on this journey. I wish you the best, I know you will do so well. God is with you all during this blessed transition. It's a wonderful moment to hold your baby for the first time.

  9. EEK! So exciting. Praying a safe delivery over you girl. I've so enjoyed reading you pregnant updates but more excited to see some baby updates :)


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