Thursday, November 21, 2013

crew's newborn photos | 1

I just realized that I never posted Crew's newborn photos. Kelly came over when he was 8 days old and took these. She was so patient with us. I never realized how long it would take for these photos. Crew and I and Will were all still getting used to each other and adjusting to our new life. We had to stop to eat a few times. Crew even had a couple (hilarious) accidents when we were trying the infamous naked baby photos. We are so lucky to have had Kelly there who is a great friend, but also incredibly patient!

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  1. Beautiful pics! Jacob pooped in DH's glove when we were taking pics! I need to post them when I have time! :)

  2. Beautiful - they are so cute! Love the fox!!

  3. These photos are so beautiful! The first picture of baby and daddy is just precious - I bet it makes your heart explode every time you see it, knowing those are your guys! I can't wait to see my Hubs with our little boy. =]


  4. Soo cute!! Love the fox pics!! Such great keepsakes!!


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