Wednesday, January 15, 2014

crew's first christmas + a video

Yes, I realize it's been 3 weeks since Christmas, but this mama has been busy with going back to work. (booo)

We loved every second with Crew this past Christmas. We went to our church for Christmas Eve, spent Christmas day with my side of the family and Christmas night with Will's side. I know Crew was worn out, but he did so well.

Who can resist a baby in a Santa outfit?!

Our Christmas card this year

and a short video of the few clips I got this holiday...

I can't imagine how different next Christmas will be when Crewboo can walk and open gifts!
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  1. Beautiful pics! It was so great to have a first Christmas, but I can't wait until next year when he can open presents! :)

  2. Cute card! I still haven't mailed our Christmas cards yet. Whoops.

  3. Your Christmas card is so adorable!!


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