Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Today I'm linking up for the Girl Between the Lines with A Beautiful Exchange and The Albrechts Blog.

The topic is: Tell us about a characteristic you admire in one of your loved ones. Why do you admire that characteristic?

I didn't even have to think twice about this one! The characteristic I admire most about my sweet husband is his selflessness. I don't think this man has a selfish bone in his body.

I've noticed this quality in him more and more since Crew was born 3 months ago. Even before I gave birth to Crew, Will would pick up my slack with cleaning, laundry and cooking. He's still picking up my slack and Crew is going on 14 weeks! I thank God every day for giving me a husband like this. I've never once had to ask him to do some laundry for me or unload the dishwasher. Being helpful around the house is something he finds joy in doing and that quality in him is such a blessing to me.

Besides always being so willing to help out around the house, Will never thinks twice about offering up his time to help a friend in need or with a church project. He is passionate about missions and his selflessness plays a huge part in that. He wants to go on every mission trip, volunteer with every church function, offer to help every friend move and on and on. 

I could learn so much from my husband. Becoming a mother has taught me so many things, one of them being how selfish I can be - how I crave sleep when I'm up in the middle of the night feeding our son or how I'd like to sleep in on Saturdays (do you see a sleep pattern here?) - Don't get me wrong, Crew is the greatest blessing in our life and I am so incredibly thankful for him. I would not change one single thing. Selflessness is something that doesn't come as easy for me as it seems to come for Will. With the example that my husband has set for me, and with a lot of prayer, I can hope to act as selfless as he does. I'm so so grateful that Will is not the opposite of selfless. What a blessing!

Girl Between the Lines Link up
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  1. Visiting from TGBTL link up! I really enjoyed reading this post. Selflessness is something I admire in others as well, I try to think of others before myself but it simply doesn't come as naturally to me as it does for others.

  2. Visiting from TGBTL link up! I really enjoyed reading this post. Selflessness is something I admire in others as well, I try to think of others before myself but it simply doesn't come as naturally to me as it does for others.

  3. Visiting from TGBTL link up! I really enjoyed reading this post. Selflessness is something I admire in others as well, I try to think of others before myself but it simply doesn't come as naturally to me as it does for others.

  4. Visiting from the link-up! So sweet! Nice to "meet" you!

  5. Selflessness is such a wonderful trait to admire, and it is so wonderful to have in a husband! Great post! Visiting from the link-up!

  6. So very sweet! As a newlywed, I am striving to be more selfless. It's such an important trait for spouses to demonstrate.

    Stopping by from TGBTL link-up!

  7. This is so sweet! Also you are so right that being a mom reveals the selfish areas of our lives. I realize all the time that I am putting my wants above my son's schedule, etc. and it's so nice when our husbands encourage that selflessness!

  8. What a blessing!! I am not a mom yet, but I've heard everyone say that you don't know how selfish you are until you have a kid! I'm so encouraged by your love for your husband and the way he loves you back. Thanks for sharing and linking up! :)


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