Monday, February 17, 2014

etsy shop : open!

One of my February goals (ok, actually it was a December goal) was to finally open my Etsy shop. I am so glad to say that I have with the encouragement from Will and Kelly.

My shop contains both watercolor designs as well as custom modern calligraphy for wedding envelopes. This is something I've wanted to do more of for the longest time. I have addressed a few wedding invitations here and there for different people, but I am hoping this Etsy shop will allow me to do more of what I love!

So, if you or anyone you know is getting married, please send them my way. I would love to design the invitation envelopes!

Thank you so much Kelly Ginn Photography for the photos!
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  1. Oh my goodness!! You are so talented! i had no idea you could do this!!! I'll be favoriting your store and using you soon!!! Im so excited for you! The first sale on Etsy is the best feeling!! :)

  2. Your calligraphy is beautiful! Good luck with the shop :)

  3. That is amazing!! You have some wonderful talent!! Ill be keeping you in mind!

  4. Congratulations!! Your work is beautiful!


  5. Yay for knocking out a bullet on your February goals. Your shop is going to rock. I am loving all of it already. Congratulations!!!!

  6. Wow, girl! You do an awesome job!! Congrats on the opening :)

  7. Congrats again on the shop! It looks great! I just added it to my fav's :D

  8. AMAZING!! Congratulations, girl!!!

  9. This is all so GORGEOUS! I need you to teach me your in the world did you get to be this talented?!


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