Wednesday, February 5, 2014

february goals

This is the second time I've posted my monthly goals. The first was in December and while I stuck to some of them, for the most part I failed! I'm blaming it on a busy holiday season and my last few weeks of maternity leave with Crew. I didn't want to do anything, but snuggle with our baby!

I made goals for January, but did not get around to posting them. I am trying to be more intentional this month with posting them and staying accountable for all I want to get accomplished, however big or small it may be. So, without further ado, my February goals:

Read one book this month
I had planned on reading along with A Beautiful Mess' book club and also one other blog book club in January. I purchased one of the books and it just sat on our ottoman for all of January. Oops. As I've mentioned before, once Crew goes to sleep at night I am ready to go to sleep too. If I didn't work full time it would probably be easier to read like I wish I could. But...that's not the case and I am going to try and stay up past 9:00 so I can get a little reading in because I enjoy it so much.

List items in Etsy shop
Yes, this was a goal in December. It didn't get done, but it WILL this month. I am so close!

Finish hanging wall decor in Crew's nursery
Another December goal that didn't happen. It's also something that's close to being done too. We have one big item to complete and I can wait to show it to everyone!

Send one snail mail letter each week
I've done this for the past three weeks, mainly with our couples' group. Each week at small group, we are given one person to pray for after they have written down their specific prayer needs for that week. I have tried my hardest to send snail mail to that person rather than just a text...because who doesn't love getting mail?! I've loved doing this in our group. It has really helped me to be more intentional with praying for our close friends, couples group and church.

Workout at least 3 times per week
I am ready to kick this last bit of baby weight to the curb. Breastfeeding helped a lot of the weight come off quickly, but I really need to tone up...particularly in the belly area. I have been doing the Core Fusion DVD's and walking on weekends when we have nice weather (which isn't often). My initial goal was 4 times per week, but if I'm being honest, that won't happen. I'm pushing it with 3 days already!

Print photos for our home
I am SO bad about doing this. I have too many good photos to count from Kelly and yet most of our frames are still filled with memories from my college days or even when Will and I were dating. I think it took me two years to get wedding pictures in frames. See? Told you I was bad.

Start prayer journaling again
I haven't done this since Crew has been born and I regret it. I started prayer journaling consistently in 2010 and I LOVE going back and remembering how God answered specific prayers. I need to pick this habit back up, especially now that little Crewboo is in our lives!

Practice my calligraphy every day
This is something I've been working on for quite a while now. Some days I skip writing, but as with all the other goals, I'm hoping this post helps me actually practice each night. This goal goes along with my Etsy shop goal and I am so ready to check it off the list. I feel like I am constantly learning more about my calligraphy and hand lettering and absolutely love it!

Start blog makeover
I'm not trying to get this done this month, but I'd at least like to start. My blog is in need of a major makeover! I feel like my taste and style has changed so much since last designing my blog and I'm ready for something new!

Go on at least one date with Will
I know it is so important to continue to pursue your spouse after marriage and after a baby, but sometimes it's easier said than done. We have plenty of babysitters for Crew, but most weekends we just want to spend at home together rather than going out. I think it's because of long work weeks and not much time spent as a family because of that. BUT this month Will and I will make time for each other and go on a date! It is Valentine's month, isn't it?!

Here's to blog accountability!
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  1. I'm the worst at printing photos. We have frames and albums that are empty because I can just never remember to print some out.

  2. These are so good! I’m SURE it takes lots of intentionality to press through once you have a sweet babe. I hope you rock these this month!!

  3. All of these goals are such great, specific goals. I have a daily devotional book I am reading and that habit has formed where I make the time right before I go to bed! I am excited to see what you list in your ETSY shop! I always love finding new shops on there. Thank you for linking up with us. We will help keep each other accountable! Specifically that date night...I bet that is so needed for y'all.


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