Monday, October 20, 2014

crew is ONE!...and party sneak peek

I can't even believe I'm writing this post right now. There's no way it's possible that my sweet little pumpkin is ONE! He turned one on October 3, 2014. Each new stage becomes my favorite and we just love him to pieces. He's such a joy for our families and I don't even remember life without him.

weight: 27lbs 11oz
clothes: 24 months/2T
diapers: size 4 in disposables and wearing OS cloth
hair color: Dirty blonde
eye color: VERY dark green with some brown
eating: yogurt, any fruits, any pasta, whatever we're eating
nicknames: Crewboo, pumpkin, munchkin
likes: (loves) baths and water, barking at dogs, crawling up and down stairs, showing off, Dinosaur Train
dislikes: getting his clothes changed, diaper changed, or mouth wiped
sleep: 11-12 hours each night and then two naps during the day (morning one is always two hours and afternoon nap is between 1.5-2 hours)

He's really grown this past month. He is now walking and it's so strange seeing him come into a room by walking and not by crawling. He can pick out his red, blue and green ball, pick out his stuffed animals when we ask, growl like a tiger and dinosaur, bark like a dog, and make a truck noise. He's so smart and loves showing off for people.

I'm working part-time now and loving it so much. Being able to spend time with Crew is perfect and I'm hopeful for the day when I can be with him all the time. Crew loves being with his grandmas when they babysit also!

Crew's 1st birthday party was so. much. fun. It was old county fair themed and I cannot wait to show you more photos once I get them back! Here's a sneak peek...

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  1. Courtney, he is too adorable! And the kissing recreation picture is absolutely perfect.

  2. Happy birthday Crew! The party looked so cute!!

  3. What a cutie! The party looks great! Can't wait to see more!

  4. So sweet! So crazy that he is already one! I remember following your pregnancy journey! He's just adorable!!

  5. He's a doll! So cute! Nice job on the party!! Can't wait to see more pics.


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