Monday, November 24, 2014

crew's county fair: friends + family

Our family and friends who just love our little boy were all guests at his party. We are so lucky that most of Crew's family lives here in Memphis. It means that Crew gets to spend time with both of our families..and free babysitters! I do get bummed that the family and friends who don't live close by do not get to experience the immense joy that Crew shares with everyone. He really is just the happiest and is the answer to any difficult or sad day.

This photo is so special to me. My grandfather passed away just one short week after this party. I'm so glad he was able to come to Crew's birthday and we all got to spend time together and as a family one more time.

This is Crew's best buddy, Will. He's just 8 days younger than Crew and this perfectly describes their relationship!

The ball pit was a hit and we kept it in the house at least a month after the party. We're still finding those balls all over the place!

To check out the decorations and food of the county fair, click here!


  1. What a cute and creative theme!!!!

  2. What a cute party! And it's so special that your grandpa got to be there for Crew's birthday.


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