Monday, March 16, 2015

sunday funday

It's official. The dog park is Crew's favorite place on earth. Crew is a dog-lover to the core so I'm not surprised he had so much fun yesterday at Shelby Farms. The weather was absolutely beautiful in the 70's, Crew was finally feeling better after his cold last week, and we were all ready to get out of the house and enjoy the sunshine. Especially the dogs!

This was Crew's first time to the dog park since he's been able to walk so I know we'll be coming here much more often this Spring and Summer!

He had to sit on the picnic table like a big boy just like his daddy. His cuteness just kills me!

After we got home and Crew had a short one-hour nap, we went back outside and played with chalk for the first time. He was more interested in biting off all the tips of the chalk rather than actually drawing with it, but we'll try again next time! He had a multi-colored mouth by the time we were done.

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