Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Time to Brag

It's time to do a little bragging on my husband. I'll try not to get too mushy gushy, but let's face it: I'm pregnant and hormonal so I can't make any promises.

I'll start out by saying that if you know Will, what I'm about to say will come as no surprise to you. He's probably the kindest person I know and a pretty funny one at that!
t fleming photography
All of this applies to pre-pregnancy, but I've been especially thankful for him since being pregnant! If you read this post then you know that my first trimester was better than most. I never threw up, but was just nauseous and tired all the time. And when I say tired, I mean T.I.R.E.D. I could not get enough sleep! I would come home from work at 5:00, eat something if I wasn't too nauseous and go straight to bed. And with all the sleep I was getting, I still felt like I had been up all night by the next morning. Needless to say, I was not getting any chores done. Will did it all without one complaint. (I will mention though, he's always been good with helping out around the house.) How did I get so lucky?! He did the laundry, dishes, dealt with the dogs and any other cleaning that needed to be done. (I don't know why I'm writing this in past tense, he's STILL been helping out so much.)
t fleming photography
Every morning before work, Will fixes me snacks to munch on throughout the day. (I have definitely gotten my appetite back in the second trimester!) He also insists that he make me a fruit smoothie each morning because, "You and Baby need your fruit!" Orange juice, bananas and strawberries: YUM!
kelly ginn photography
I've been trying to get in some more exercise now that I have energy again. Nothing too strenuous right now, just nightly walks after I get home from work. I've started really looking forward to this time together. Just the four of us (Will, me and the dogs) enjoying this amazing Spring weather. We walked/ran so much last weekend that my feet and ankles have been really sore. Will was so sweet to give me a foot massage last night...despite his claims that it makes him have "carpal tunnel." (I'm rolling my eyes at this point.)
kelly ginn photography
I could seriously could go on and on about how amazing Will has been already during this pregnancy, but since I feel that some of you could be rolling your eyes at my bragging, I'll stop! 

Will, thank you for having such a servant's heart and kind attitude over the past 14.5 weeks (4+ years). I know you're going to be such a great Dad to our baby and I can only hope that he/she turns out like you with your sweet spirit and witty humor! I love you!

Disclaimer: In no way did Will pay or bribe me to do this post. He's just too sweet not to get some credit on the blog!
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  1. You two are seriously the cutest!!!! ahh!!!

  2. That is so sweet! Even with his carpel tunnel he will get one day lol. = )

  3. Seriously sweet! And my does pregnancy look cute on you - your adorns :)

  4. Haha I love the disclaimer at the end. And yay Will! He's gonna be such a great dad :)

    P.S. We should do the dog park again now that it's warmed up!

  5. You guys are SO stinking cute. I mean seriously. I've been dying to do a "color bomb" photo shoot with my man. Maybe this summer? :)

  6. Sweet husbands deserve a little bragging! Love all of your pictures! You look so happy! :)

  7. This is absolutely precious! It's always so encouraging to hear wives building their husband's up and bragging on them! :)


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