Thursday, April 11, 2013

14 weeks

How far along are you?
14 weeks - I feel like my bump popped out a lot more this week!

How big is Baby?
Baby is the size of a lemon. He/she can now suck his/her thumb, squint, frown and grimace!

Weight Gain? 
Gained 0 weight since 10 week appointment - 3lbs. gained total

We find out in two weeks!

Maternity Clothes?
I've worn one or two maternity shirts. Still no maternity pants.

Stretch Marks?
Not yet...

Still waking up once in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I haven't had any trouble going to sleep. I still feel pretty worn out by the end of the day!

Haven't had any breakouts in about a week! Hopefully it'll stay that way. Had foot/leg cramps last night for some reason. That was the first time that's happened since being pregnant. Still have restless legs on a regular basis! I've also been really thirsty...which doesn't help my getting up in the middle of the night.

Haven't felt anything yet, but got to listen to the heartbeat today at the doctor and he said that the baby was very "wiggly" and I should be feeling movement soon!
Food Cravings/Aversions?
Still haven't really craved anything - No aversions either

Labor Signs? 

Belly Button in or out?

What I miss?
Having pants that are easy to button. I'll be investing in some maternity pants soon! 

What I am looking forward to?
Our ultrasound in two weeks and gender reveal party
Best moment of the week?
Got to hear the heartbeat today! (144 bpm) I recorded it so I can listen over and over!

13 weeks
12 weeks
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  1. Aww hooray for hearing the heartbeat today! :)

  2. You look great!! I can't wait for you to find out!! Any guesses? I can't wait to hear the hb again, it's the best sound. Good idea to tape it!!

  3. Ugh, the leg cramps were the WORST! My doctor told me to eat a banana before bed because the potassium helps, haha. It was my ritual.

    You look great!!!! I feel like you're having a boy! Maybe because I have a boy, so I always feel like everyone is having a boy, hahaha.

  4. Lindsay's right with the banana. You can also try drinking Gatorade or PowerAde. They're full of electrolytes which can help minimize muscle cramping.

  5. You are so freaking cute!!!!!

  6. So adorable!

    Jillian -

  7. So cute your bump finally showed up, Yay! :)


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