Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Weekend Recap - Memorial Day

Wow. What a weekend. I know I say those exact words basically every week, but I mean it this time. I am WORN OUT. I feel like we went non-stop all weekend long.

Friday night was such a special night because Will got his Masters Degree from seminary! I am so so proud of him! There will be a whole post on this later this week, but here's a pic for now!

Will's older brother and sister-in-law came in town for Will's graduation weekend so on Saturday-Monday, we spent time with them. We love when they come in town! We spent Saturday by the pool and indulged in some Memphis favorites - Corky's BBQ and Jerry's. YUM.

Will's graduation present from his parents was the jogging stroller he wanted for himself and Baby K. We're so excited and can't wait until there's a baby in there...not a dog! Ginger approved of the stroller and really enjoyed being pushed around like a princess!
On Sunday after church we went to the zoo. It was hot and crowded. I feel like we walked 10 miles...though I know that's not technically correct! I could just feel my hands and feet swelling with all the heat. I definitely got my exercise for the week! Regardless of my complaining, we had a great time with the family. Luckily my sweet husband was there to carry my bag (or myself) and walk at a snails pace with me towards the end! I was dragging! Our zoo visit was followed by Huey's and Sheridans. Yum!

Matt and Jeana had to drive back home early yesterday afternoon so we met them for lunch at Newk's before they left. Yesterday afternoon was spent recovering from our busy weekend. I was (and still am) so tired. My family came over last night and my dad made his famous homemade pizzas. 5 of them, to be exact!  They were so good as usual. 

I am looking forward to just a 4 day work week!...especially after all the food we ate this weekend. WHEW!

I had to share this IG picture from last week. We got Remi and Ginger a new bag of dog bones. Remi was pouting because Ginger's bone was somehow better than his...even though they were the exact same! So dramatic!

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  1. That picture of Remi is killing me! Soo funny! And all the food you posted makes me excited to spend a couple of weeks in MS before the big move to Cali! Ginger is definitely a little princess. Can't wait to see her reaction to Crew!

  2. Love your cute bump & your blog! Newest follower!!! :)


  3. YAY for a Masters of Divinity!

    When is his ordination? I was ordained two years ago today!

  4. Such a great weekend!! Hope you are resting up and recover soon!!

  5. Looks like such a fun weekend! I just stumbled upon your blog and am so excited to follow along through bloglovin! Definitely a new follower! :)


  6. YAY for a Masters of Divinity!! How exciting! :)

  7. Oh, that bump! That dress! Love it!

  8. Wow that was a busy weekend for a preggo lady! Love that Will's parents got him the jogging stroller for graduation! You know you're about to be a parent when you get a stroller for a present lol :)

  9. We ate at Corky's this weekend too! We had family in town as well and took them on Sunday! :)

    Congrats to Will!! :)


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