Thursday, May 30, 2013

21 weeks

How far along are you?
21 weeks! I can't believe it

How big is Baby?
He's as big as a pomegranate - He weighs 3/4 of a pound and is about 10.5 inches long - He's developed eyebrows and lids - His digestive system is producing meconium

Weight Gain?
As of 20 week appointment, I have gained a total of 7 lbs. (1 lb. a week since 16 weeks)

A BOY! Crew William Kassner

Maternity Clothes?
Yes - about half and half. Some days after I've gotten dressed our bedroom looks like a tornado has gone through it with all the clothes on the floor. I've gotten pretty frustrated the past week over non-maternity clothes that I thought would fit, but just didn't. 

Stretch Marks?

It's been so-so. Definitely still better than a few weeks ago, but I wake up with sore hips from sleeping on my side so much.

Shortness of breath - I can just be standing in the kitchen cooking and have to sit down because I feel like I have to catch my breath. Such a weird feeling!
Sore hips/shoulders in the mornings from sleeping
So thirsty at nighttime!
Other than that, I'm feeling great!

ALL. THE. TIME. I love it. I feel him moving around all day when I'm at work. Will and I laid in bed the other night I just felt all his little (strong) kicks and punches. He finally showed off when Will felt my belly and even let my Mom feel him kick this week! I was feeling my belly for him the other day and it felt like he was stretching or something. It wasn't a kick, more like just a steady movement across my stomach. So crazy thinking about how active he is in there! Sometimes I can feel where he's at on my belly because one side or area feels really hard (& hurts a little!) - like I have a 6-pack! I can tell that he wakes up with me every time I get up for a bathroom break in the middle of the night. When I get back in bed, he's kicking away and it takes him a little while to go back to sleep, like me!

Food Cravings/Aversions?
I craved a ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins last Friday only because someone at work mentioned one and then I had to have it. We went and got a really small mint chocolate chip cake after work that day! I've also been going through 2 lbs. of strawberries a week.

Labor Signs?

Belly Button in or out?
In - Though it looks much different than it did pre-pregnancy

What I miss?
Nothing, really -- maybe fitting into clothes!

What I am looking forward to?
Finally found out that I get to go on family vacation this Summer! I was unsure if I would have any vacation days, but luckily I do! The only thing I'm not looking forward to that week is Will being out of the country in Africa. He'll be going with a group from our church, coming back for 5 days and then going to China. I know he is looking forward these exciting opportunities, but me and the dogs will sure miss him! Hopefully being at the beach in SC will take my mind off of worrying about him being gone!
Also looking forward to meeting Crew! After reading Tiffany's birth story, I just got more and more excited for October to be here so we can meet our sweet baby!

Best moment of the week?
Feeling such strong kicks and punches on a regular basis now & starting to notice his sleep schedule or what makes him active
Seeing my brother-in-law and sis-in-law while they were in town last weekend
We got our jogging stroller!

Daddy’s feeling?
"Feeling great! Love feeling Crew kick and excited to take him for a jog in the new stroller!"

In case you missed it:
Click here for other bumpdates!
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  1. That's so exciting that Will finally got to feel him kick too!! (:

  2. I can't wait for those strong kick! I haven't even felt them yet. So fun!!

  3. You look adorable! I feel like I'm reading my own bumpdate! So much of what you're going through is happening to me too! Especially the tornado in my room every morning!

  4. Isn't it so exciting to share the kicks with your husband! I am also looooving strawberries right now and can't seem to get enough of them!

  5. You look great! How do you feel at this point? And what program do you use for the pictures?

  6. Aww, I love that he is letting other people feel him kick and move around now! How cool!

    Glad you will get to go on vacation this summer! That will be great! :)

    And where in China is Will going? I spent my teen years in Wuhan (central China) and traveled quite a bit while we lived there! :)

  7. Hi Courtney! I just read your guest post on Tiffany's blog and had to come follow along :) I'm looking forward to getting to know you!


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