Monday, June 3, 2013

Weekend Recap - Mudbath

We had a pretty low key week and weekend. It was much appreciated (by me) after our busy weekend last week. On Saturday I went with my parents to our favorite fabric store in Memphis to try and find fabric for Baby K's nursery and bedding. I think I may have found some that I like, though I did leave the store more confused than before I got there! My parents are also using our old crib at their house for when Crew is there. I'm excited about the fabric that Mom has picked out and can't wait to see the finished product. After the fabric store we (my Dad) drove to Southaven to Old Navy. This is the only Old Navy with maternity in the area. I was excited about going, but was a little disappointed at their small selection. I did get 3 basic tanks and some shorts that I'm sure will be worn a lot this summer. Thanks, Mom!

When I came home Saturday (which had been a pretty rainy/stormy day), I found Will outside wood-working in his "man cave" and a VERY muddy Remi. Boys!

We didn't make it to church Sunday because I didn't feel well Saturday night so I got rested up that morning. We were able to run some errands that afternoon. Below is a tank and shorts I got at Old Navy. So comfy! 

One errand that we ran was to JC Penny because we had a gift card. Will was in desperate need of some new Sperry's so that's what we were on the hunt for. Well they didn't sell Sperry's so Will was able to find these shoes that he now loves. If you know Will, you know this is a milestone. He loves Sperry's. Loves. So to get him to venture out to anything besides that is a pretty big deal. These are perfect summer shoes and are super cute (...or whatever manly word replaces "cute"). Even better that we only spent $4.63 on them after the gift card! He did say that he still has to replace his Sperry's though...oh well.

Last night we went to some friends' house for grilling out. It was a perfect end to the weekend and the countdown to Friday is officially on!
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  1. So glad I got to see you! I can't believe how Crew is growing! So cool. I'm still disappointed he was being stubborn and wouldn't let me feel him kick :( Maybe if you feed him Jerry's he'll cooperate :)

  2. I love a muddy pup! Maybe because I don't have bath duty! :)

  3. Aww that pup is soo cute!!!! It looks like you had a nice weekend. Sometimes a Sunday to just chill and run errands is what's needed. :)

  4. Those are great man shoes!!!

  5. you look so cute in your shorts and top! perfect little belly!!


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