Tuesday, June 4, 2013

the graduate

After finally finding my missing camera, I can post some pictures from Will's seminary graduation on May 24th. (Sorry Will for blaming the missing camera on you. Let's just blame it on pregnancy brain.)

Will Kassner, Master of Divinity --- Woohoo!

Will and his good friend Josh. We've all been friends for so long and it was exciting to see them graduate together.

Look at that smile! 

This is when all the professors prayed over each graduate

I am so proud of my husband. He started seminary the Fall semester after we got married and has been working hard ever since. He took 8 classes since January this year in order to graduate in May and made straight A's in all of them! It's been a long 3 years for both of us, but very worth it. I can't wait to see what's in store next.

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  1. 8 classes in January!? Wow! That's amazing! Congrats!

  2. Aww! Major congrats to your hubs!! You look wonderful as always. :)

    Mucho love girlie! And major blessings! If your not busy tomorrow come join in for a 2nd Link up I'm hosting called "Mommy 5" You're most welcome. :)

  3. Hooray for him!!!! All that hard work has paid off.. congrats!!

  4. Congratulations to your husband! 8 classes is so insane!

  5. Kudos to Will! Especially for those straight A's with such a heavy workload! Also, I love that the professors prayed over the graduates! That's wonderful!


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