Tuesday, June 4, 2013

summer reading: recommendations, please

Now that I found out that I'll have a week vacation at the beach this Summer, I'm already trying to decide which books to take with me. I have a very bad habit of getting excited about starting a new book and buying it before reading other unread books we already have at the house. I guess I'll always have something to read though! 

Possibly making my bad habit even worse, I wanted to ask you what your favorite books are so I can add them to my list! My favorite author is Francine Rivers and I actually have one of her books at my house now ready to read. (P.S.-If you've never read "Redeeming Love," go buy it. Now!)

Here are the books I have waiting at home to read:

Not purchased, but on my Amazon wish list: 

 So, what are your recommendations? What should I add or take off from this list?post signature


  1. Hi Courtney-- I too LOVE books! I would definitely recommend taking Gone Girl off your list... I read it and found it quite offensive to my Christian lifestyle (lots of language and inappropriateness) HOWEVER, Kisses from Katie is AWESOME! One of the best books I have ever read. I have a short list of book recommendations I have written about on my blog too!


  2. The two book series "Her Mother's Hope" and Her Daughter's Dream" is soooo good! My favorite is Redeeming Love as well ( I think we have talked about that before!). You can't put them down!

  3. Anything by Jen Lancaster! Her memoirs are hilarious. I believe the first one is titled Bitter is the New Black. She's my absolute favorite :)

  4. Night Circus was really good!! :)
    Let us know which you choose.
    Always looking for good reads.

  5. You should add 7 by Jen Hatmaker to your list. It. Is. Awesome.

  6. Those seem SO good, Courtney! I'll make sure to make note of this list so I can come back to them later.

    As for rec's, I love anything by Emily Giffin. (Do you remember the movie "Something Borrowed" from a couple yrs ago? It was based on her 1st book--obvs the book was much better.) Her other books aren't necessarily sequels to SB, but rather feature either the perspective of the other characters, or totally different stories w/cameos of the other characters. Way entertaining, light, and PERFECT for Summer!

    And b/c we both love dogs like crazy, I'd also recommend "Inside of A Dog"; it's a great read. It teaches you how dogs experience "our" world and it's been an eye-opener (in a good way)!

    XO and I wish you a beautiful week :D!

  7. LOVED The Night Circus anddd I literally could not put Gone Girl down.. SO GOOD!

  8. HUNGER GAMES, anything by Emily Giffin, or A Dog's Purpose. I actually have all of EG's books and A Dog's Purpose if you want to borrow!


  9. I love Francine Rivers!! Redeeming Love... oh my goodness, I bawled while reading that book. It's just so powerful to realize just how much and how faithful God loves us. Have you read her "Mark of the Lion" series? Definitely my favorite series! It's so great!

    Also, it's been a long time since I read them, but if you're into Christian fiction, I really enjoyed the O'Malley series by Dee Henderson.

    For nonChristian fiction... the Hunger Games series, the Divergent series, and the Harry Potter series.

    And don't judge me for this, but I actually really liked the Vampire Academy series. The first book is pretty good, but the rest of the series is REALLY good.

    Oh, and for nonfiction... have you read Captivating by John and Stasi Eldridge? I read that book during a time in my life when God was really working on my heart so that book means a lot to me. :)

    Ooookay, sorry this comment is so long. Obviously I like to read, haha!

  10. I love Francine Rivers! "Redeeming Love" is one of the best books ever! Sadly I haven't been doing much reading lately so I don't have any recommendations for you. But the ones you have on your list all look good :) Happy reading!


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