Thursday, June 6, 2013

rainy days

I had to document Remi's muddy self after all the rain we got last Saturday. He's a mess!

At least someone enjoyed playing in the rain!

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  1. AWW! Look how cute!! He was having a ball!

  2. Aww he looks like he had so much fun! Our pup is the opposite. He HATES getting wet. He won't swim in lakes or play in the water. He hates bath time and he even avoids the hose when I'm watering plants. He definitely doesn't like rain. He looks so pitiful when he goes outside to potty while it's raining. Poor guy, haha!

  3. Love, love, love a happy muddy dog! :)

  4. Haha, SO CUTE!! I love that you got an action shot!


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