Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend Recap - Baycation

We had such a fun weekend with friends! Some of our best friends have a house at 'the bay' in Maddox Bay, AR (a run-off of the White River). We haven't been able to go in 3-4 summers so we were excited about continuing the bay tradition this past weekend.

Fisher's first time on the jet ski!

It was also Roxanna's birthday weekend! Happy Birthday!!

I got this tankini top off eBay last week. I wore a bikini the first day, but thought I'd try out the new suit on Sunday. It fit good, but made me SO. HOT. The water was still soooo cold after all the recent rain. I only got in once on Saturday to cool off...and didn't stay in long either! The water hurt it was so cold! (23 weeks preggo)
 I feel like I should also mention the two bald spots on Will's chest...haha. He went for a check-up/physical a few weeks ago in preparation for his upcoming trips to Africa and China and they decided to do an EKG. I guess the sticky pads wouldn't stick so the nurse solved that problem! Poor Will!

Our babies stayed at my parents house this weekend and came back exhausted. Remi LOVES my parents' big backyard and just runs nonstop while he's there. It'll take him a few days to recover!

Hope you had a great weekend!
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  1. Looks like the perfect weekend! Your baby bump is too cute!!

  2. Love your top! Which seller on bay? Sonnds like an awesome time! You look awesome!

  3. So jealous of that tan! That looks so much fun! Tyler and I were talking Saturday about how it would be such a great lake day!

  4. Oh wow! Sounds like you had an amazing weekend!! :)

  5. Remi is so cute! Can you say tired?? Loved seeing your fun weekend on Instagram! I'm sure you were sad you missed out when the sticky pads were pulled off! Ouch! Have a happy Monday!

  6. I love that tankini top! My bump is getting pretty big and I have been searching for the perfect suit!

    xx Lynzy

  7. I'm a newer follower :) Love that sunset photo! Looks like a fun time. and Remi is so cute!

  8. So fun! I was raised a beach kid (and will always be one at heart!) but since college I have really learned to appreciate and love lakes..or bays :)

  9. Cute tankini! Sorry it got so hot, though. Glad you guys had fun!! :)


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