Monday, July 8, 2013

26 weeks

I wrote this last week while at the beach, but am just now getting a chance to edit the photo. It was so bright and windy AND people were staring at me when we took this so I didn't care so much for how it turned out...obviously!

How far along are you?
26 weeks

How big is Baby?
He's as big as a head of lettuce - He's soaking up my antibodies and growing a strong immune system - He inhales and exhales small amounts of amniotic fluid which is good for his developing lungs - He weighs around 1 2/3-2 lbs. and is 14 inches long

Weight Gain?
16 lbs.

a boy!
Crew William Kassner

Maternity Clothes?
Yes, same ol', same ol'. I've been wearing Will's tshirts around the house because they're so much more comfortable than mine.

Stretch Marks?
not on my belly

Can't complain - Still deal with the usual mid-night bathroom breaks. I also get woken up sometimes from his kicking and moving around, which I don't mind so much!

Lower back pain is kicking my booty

He seems to have gotten much stronger this week! Being at the beach, most of the family has been able to feel him moving or see my stomach bouncing around. I also have been able to actually feel a foot (?) pressed up again my belly again. I wish Will was here to feel it too!

Food Cravings/Aversions?
Chocolate! Yum!

Labor Signs?

Belly Button in or out?
Still pretty flat. Sometimes it seems to poke out a little bit if he's pressing up against it.

What I miss?
I still miss being able to get around/move like I did pre-pregnancy. I'm slower at everything and even have found myself grunting when bending down or getting up.

What I am looking forward to?
Picking Will up from the airport Saturday! He's been in Africa since last Friday and I have literally had no communication with him since he's been gone. This was the longest we've been apart since we've been married...and not to mention the no communication thing! It was HARD and Crew and I missed him so much!

Best moment of the week?
Being able to take off work and spend a week at the beach with my family.

Click here to see weeks 12-25 bumpdates!

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  1. Your belly is so round and cute! I love it. So glad you had a good trip and everyone saw or felt him!! YAY for hubby coming home!

  2. I love the beach bump pic! I need to find some fun places to start taking mine! It's so much fun to watch your stomach move!

  3. Cute picture, love the beach! And bending down and getting up from off the floor are so hard while pregnant!

  4. You are just the cutest pregnant lady! :)

  5. Oh nice! Beach vacations are so wonderful. You are soo beautiful! :)

  6. I highly recommend yoga for low back pain. I do Shiva Rea's Prenatal Yoga DVD and it's been such a life saver. I'm usually sore that day, but by the next day it's so much better. I'm at 30 weeks today! I love your bumpdates!

  7. So funny how in this day and age people STILL manage to stare at a pregnant woman (of ALL people!) getting her pic taken. I'd have smiled at them, haha :P.

    Idk about you, but I think your belly may have just started to look like a pregnant belly :).

    You look adorable and Will's post from a while ago made me want to wish you my hopes that you're feeling better.



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