Monday, July 8, 2013

Weekend Recap - He's Home!

I'm back from the beach and Will has made it safely home from Africa. Boy, did I miss him! That was 8 days of no communication that I'd rather not do again...but he's going to China in a few days so we might have to do that just one more time. I'll be posting on my family beach trip this week and he'll probably do a post or two of Kenya and Tanzania. He had such a great time and I've loved hearing all the stories! Thank you to everyone who prayed for him!

I got back home Friday and spent the day resting at my parents with our dogs and their dogs (because they didn't get back until Saturday). I think it's safe to say that Remi missed Baby K...or just his pillow!

Almost time to pick Will up from the airport! Remi was pretty excited.

He's back! AND he grew a beard while he was gone! I kept just staring at his face at the airport because I had never seen his beard this long. He didn't shave the week before he left and while in Africa. I missed my husband so much and it was hard leaving him this morning to go to work! Already dreading him being gone again for the China trip, but I know he'll have a great time!

On Sunday morning we had church down at the river (Mississippi) for baptism and brunch. It was SO HOT (which is why we didn't stay for brunch...I was dyin'!), but it is so neat to see people baptized in the river. We almost didn't go because of being tired from traveling, but I'm glad we made ourselves get out of bed!

The rest of Sunday was spent watching movies and sleeping! We came home and ate lunch then went back to bed. I knew Will was tired despite his denying it. He actually stayed awake until about 4:30 and then slept for 2.5 hours. (He was 8 hours ahead in Africa so I guess his body was thinking it was nighttime!) He woke up for dinner and we watched a few episodes of One Tree Hill then back to sleep again. He's going to have just enough time for his body to readjust to the time difference before going to China and being 13 hours ahead! Makes me tired just thinking about it!

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1 comment:

  1. My husband and I are currently working our way through One Tree Hill too.


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