Monday, July 1, 2013

will's ordination

Well, I finally have this post ready. Better late than never, right? I had some SD card issues, but it's fixed now!

Will got ordained last Sunday, June 23rd at Faith Baptist Church in Bartlett, TN. This is the church where we both grew up and where we met! It meant a lot to us to be able to have our "home" pastor and our current pastor be a part of Will's ordination. We also had most of our small group from ICC come to Faith that night. It was just such a special night!

Barrett (our current pastor) praying for us.

Our home pastor

We are so grateful to everyone who came to celebrate Will's ordination with us!
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  1. Congratulations again! This is so exciting!! and you two are so cute :)

  2. Congrats and Welcome to Ordained Ministry!

    Holding you all in prayer!

  3. Somehow I missed this exciting post! Congratulations! You look great!!


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