Wednesday, July 17, 2013

2nd Trimester Recap

I enjoyed the second trimester much more than the first (obviously). The second trimester was full of things like finding out the gender, feeling him move for the first time, and finally getting a baby bump. I had much more energy and felt better all around than the first trimester also. 

We had our gender ultrasound on April 25, but didn't find out the gender until April 27th at our gender reveal party!

I LOVE that little waving hand!

We named him Crew William Kassner and I explained why in this post

May 11 - We registered for Baby K at Babies R Us and Target
May 24 - Will graduated from seminary with his Masters
June 16 - Will's "first" Father's Day and we started the nursery
June 19 - 24 week doc appointment. Baby's heart rate was 144 bpm
June 23 - Will became an ordained minister!
June 28 - Will went to Africa and I went to the beach

Will and I were talking the other night about how great my pregnancy has been so far. I feel so blessed to  have had such an easy pregnancy with no (throwing up) morning sickness and no complications. We can only pray that everything continues to go smoothly throughout this last trimester! I can't believe how fast it's going.

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  1. What an adorable blog you have! I'm a new momma dropping by from Erica's blog. :)

    You're in the home stretch, girl... so exciting! Looking forward to following along and "meeting" your little one when he arrives.

  2. those pics of the gender reveal are so cute! I love it. My second trimester has been going really well for me as well. Good luck moving into your third trimester!

  3. You are too cute with your baby bump at the beach! I'm glad things are going well for you and just can't believe how the weeks are flying by. Less than 7 to go for me! Ah!


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