Thursday, August 29, 2013

34 weeks

How far along are you?
34 weeks! Woohoo!

How big is Baby?
He's the size of a butternut squash (I'm really getting tired of all the squash references...) - He can recognize songs now, which means I'm sure he'll be VERY used to Will's voice once he's born! Ha! - He's somewhere around 5lbs 

Weight Gain?

a sweet boy

Maternity Clothes?

Stretch Marks?
None on the belly. Maybe I'll be able to avoid them


Sleepy all the time, shortness of breath, occasional swollen ankles

YES, he jabs me all the time. I don't think he sleeps much anymore!

Food Cravings/Aversions?

Labor Signs?
not yet...

Belly Button in or out?
half and half

What I miss?
laying on my stomach - sleeping - getting around easily

What I am looking forward to?
Our babymoon!! Finally!
Still waiting on our glider to be delivered; also bought the area rug this week and am waiting on that to be delivered too! His nursery is slowly coming together.

Best moment of the week?
We had baby shower #2 last Sunday and it was great!
Enjoyed the breastfeeding class we took last Saturday and learned a lot
Officially started washing baby clothes!

Daddy’s feeling?
"Can't believe that we are doing baby laundry! It is a crazy feeling seeing all of Crew's clothes around the laundry's starting to feel like he's already here. I get more excited every day and am hoping that he comes a little early so we can meet him! Love that little guy!"

I'm feeling?
I think I'm getting to that point where I'm tired of being pregnant. It was another rough week. Still having pelvic pains and unfortunately getting "used" to hurting all the time.
After our maternity photos last week I woke up with something like bug bites all over my back and belly. They were so itchy and I figured something must have gotten in my shirt. By Friday, the bumps had turned into huge red rashes everywhere and were driving me crazy. Saturday was the worst and I may have had a tiny breakdown before our breastfeeding class because I was so itchy AND had Google-diagnosed myself with PEP/PUPPPS. (This meant that the rashes weren't going away until after delivery...) I cried so much and just kept saying that I was tired of being pregnant and wanted Crew out of me. Poor Will for having to deal with me! (If it makes it sound any better, I have really loved being pregnant and have had such an easy pregnancy compared to most!) Luckily, as of today, the rashes are fading and aren't itchy anymore. Thank goodness. That was an answer to a hysterical pregnant lady's prayers! Haha!
As if all that wasn't enough I have been sick with a cold/sinus issues all week AND have been super stressed at work. Pity party much? I'll just say that our babymoon could not have come at a better time and I am so excited to have a long weekend with Will.


  1. I loved doing baby laundry too! I've been doing it in chunks each week: did clothes, blankets, towels, now I'm going to do some stuffed animals, play mat and other random things. Unfortunately I had a shirt leak color all over so I freaked out about ruining some baby clothes, but I pretty much got the color out of the other clothes.

    While I've had a really easy pregnancy, I'm getting tired of it too. My hips are in pain all the time, I can barely move my legs, and it's a pain to sleep. Try doing some hip stretches and pelvic tilts to help with pain, if you aren't already! It really helps me!

  2. I am 37 weeks and had the same rash now 2times ..freaks me out and was so itchy .but eventually went away. I too just want to be done....excited to meet baby and want to feel like me again to some degree hang in there we are almost done

  3. I am 37 weeks and had the same rash now 2times ..freaks me out and was so itchy .but eventually went away. I too just want to be done....excited to meet baby and want to feel like me again to some degree hang in there we are almost done

  4. Washing baby clothes must make it seem so real!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  5. Sorry about the rashes! I've heard the same thing from a couple of my friends near the end of the pregnancies. Glad it is subsiding some for you! Hope you guys have a WONDERFUL babymoon! :)


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