Wednesday, September 4, 2013

baby shower #2

We had our second baby shower two Sundays ago. It was held at our "home" church in Bartlett. We had 10 amazing hostesses that made everything so perfect. They took aspects from Crew's nursery and incorporated it into the shower decorations. We loved every bit of it and felt so incredibly loved by our church family who came to celebrate Crew's soon arrival.

Who wouldn't love a table full of desserts and delicious fruit?! And that punch! YUM!

Crew's personalized blanket used as decor.  So cute.

Our wonderful hostesses!!

My Mom and Mother-in-law

Let the shower begin!

Isn't this adorable?!

Checking out Crew's diaper bag!

Like I said, we felt so special and so loved after this shower. Crew received so many adorable things and we are ecstatic for him to arrive so he can enjoy it all!

Ginger had to check out everything once we got home...she is wondering why she can't have any of the new stuffed animals!
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  1. Haha! It took me a second to find Ginger! :) Hopefully she has an easy time not stealing toys. Daisy wanted Sophie when we took that out, and then she tried taking a stroller toy!

  2. Love your outfit! Love all the little details!

  3. looks like such a great shower and I love your outfit!


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