Thursday, September 12, 2013

babymoon part 3: great smokies

part one: nashville
part two: chattanooga

Day 3 (Sunday) of our babymoon was spent in East TN. We said we were going to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge, but after we got there and spent hours in traffic I was so over it. Being Labor Day weekend, everyone and their momma were in Gatlinburg. For me being so pregnant, swollen and tired from the previous two days, the last thing I wanted to do was fight through the crowds in Gatlinburg.

We spent most of our time in Sevierville walking through antique shops. It was a lot less crowded and something I enjoyed doing much more than the shops in Gatlinburg. About mid-afternoon that day I started cramping pretty bad and was having difficulty standing or walking. (I got nervous because I did not want to have a Gatlinburg baby! Ha) We called it quits and made our way to Pigeon Forge for a delicious Apple Barn dinner before heading back to the hotel. I'm wishing that I had some apple fritters and apple butter right about now. SO. GOOD.

Monday morning we got up and drove up the mountains. The weather was in the 60's and felt perfect up there. It was a long drive, but it was so relaxing and we loved it...especially my outdoorsy, nature-loving husband!

35 weeks pregnant

The water was FREEZING. I thought it would do my swollen ankles some good!

Pushing a foot back in...

The next day we drove back to Nashville (after making one last stop at Apple Barn for some apple pie a la mode!) We stayed in Nashville one more night before driving back to Memphis. Overall, we did a lot of driving over 5 days, but breaking it up each day made it so much better. We had so much fun together and were so thankful to have one last trip before we become a family of 5. (I'm counting the dogs here, duh.)
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