Friday, September 6, 2013

babymoon part two: chattanooga

Read part one: nashville here!

We left Nashville on Saturday morning and headed to Chattanooga. We got there around lunchtime and ate downtown and, you guessed it, went antique shopping some more. (I think I'm obsessed. But hey, I was on a mission to find some deco for the nursery!)

It was so hot and we had already planned to go to Rock City. I wasn't going to let the heat stop me and we decided to stick to our plans! I had been once before with my family several years ago and had forgotten how strenuous it was for a 35 week preggo! It was definitely good exercise...that made my ankles swell like crazy!

Well, this was interesting. I am not claustrophobic at all, but something about your belly being so huge and that space being so small just freaks you out a little bit!

One of many breaks I had to take along the way...

A midway snack

"Fat Man Squeeze"

And now to what was probably Will's favorite part of the entire trip:
If you know Will, you know of his affection for Taco Bell. I mean, he had a TB groom's cake. FOR REAL. We were driving through Chattanooga Saturday when we passed a TB that had breakfast. I thought Will was going to have a heart attack (because Memphis doesn't have this yet). So on Sunday morning before leaving, he had to at least try it. Kind of makes me sick just looking at the picture! I just stuck with the hotel continental breakfast.

And now that you have a stomach ache too, have a wonderful Friday!
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  1. Never heard of a Taco Bell having breakfast!! Hmmm, ha!

  2. Awww, I used to live in Chattanooga and Rock City is one of my favorite places! I haven't been there in 4 or 5 years...definitely need to go back!

  3. A waffle taco? Is that supposed to be a sausage patty? My husband is also a Taco Bell enthusiast, so I'm sure he'd try this if we had one near here with breakfast.


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