Thursday, November 7, 2013

a cloth diapering day

Last week we decided to try out our cloth diapers. They are all just sitting in a drawer and are so much cuter than disposables. Before Crew was born we weren't sure at what age we were going to start cloth diapering, but knew it wouldn't be right away. I wanted to go ahead and give it a try and see how they fit on him. We actually didn't even use them all day; we just used the one and decided to wait maybe a few more months until he's bigger. The diaper worked leaking or blowouts thank goodness. Our only issue was that the diaper went down to his knees (as you can see below) and just looked too big on him still. But I will admit, he is a total cutie pie in a cloth diaper!

This particular diaper is Rumparooz, but it's the only one of that brand that we have. The plaid was too cute to pass up!
We have mainly bumGenius and Lovely Pocket diapers with the one Rumparooz and one Charlie Banana.

We are really looking forward to cloth diapering. I know some (most) people think it's gross, but it really isn't bad at all. The cloth will be so much softer on his little bum...and more fashionable!

What have your experiences with cloth diapering been?
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  1. After seeing all of the bloggers who use cloth diapers, I'm pretty sure that's what we'll use if we have kids. They are just so cute!

  2. I was the first Pregnant One of all my friends, so I only knew a little bit about cloth diapering from Google-ing. We had some, but also planned on using 7th Generation disposables in the meantime. Ethan had SUPER sensitive skin and I couldn't find a laundry soap that would clean the diapers (the cloth) and not break his skin out, so in a haze of New Mom Hormones I just sold all of the cloth we bought and never used and he's been in 7th Generation disposables ever since. We borrowed a Pampers from a friend once and Ethan broke out in hives, it was dreadful. I love the 7th Generation diapers, but they're stupid expensive to keep buying and I really wish I would have put more research into the cloth beforehand. Lesson learned, right? Now all of my friends have kids and most cloth diaper and I already know so much more than I did when I was pregnant. If we have another baby, we definitely plan on cloth diapering!

  3. We tried them last week too...and now she is permanently in cloth (except overnight). It's so much easier than I thought!

  4. Oh my gosh, he is SOOOO CUTE! Love the little cloth diaper. They are definitely cuter than disposables!
    Such a good idea to wait a couple months to use them. We went through SO many diapers a day when Mia was a newborn. I don't know how the cloth diapering momma's keep up on the laundry that do it from day one!

  5. WHAT a little cutie!!!


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