Wednesday, November 6, 2013

a week of firsts

This post has been sitting as a draft for a few weeks now. I just wanted to share some big "firsts" for us and for Crew in his second week of life!

His first "real" bath after his cord fell off - He loved it! The only part he wasn't a fan of was being laid down directly onto his little bathtub (the blue part). It's rubber and COLD. And pouring warm water over it doesn't help warm it up at all. Poor baby let out the saddest shriek before we put the towel under him!

Crew had his first bottle on his two week birthday. I know Will was excited to finally be able to feed him. (And I was excited for a little break because I was still so sore!) He took it like a champ! We use the Tommy Tippee bottles and have had no problem going from breastfeeding to bottle. I've given him the bottle one time and it didn't seem to confuse him at all. Little man likes to eat! We also gave him a pacifier during this week. At first he gagged from it being in his mouth, but after a few tries he got the hang of it. We are using the Avent Soothies. Even at almost five weeks old now, he still sometimes acts like he's never had a paci when we put it in his mouth. He makes some of the funniest faces! I just recently ordered a Natursutten (Butterfly Orthodontic) pacifier to see if he likes that one any better.

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  1. He is so precious!! So glad he took a bottle for you, I know that will make your life easier!

  2. So glad he took a bottle for you! Evie never cared for them :) He 's soo cute!

  3. I can't believe how big he is getting already!!!
    Such a sweet baby!

  4. He is just too cute!!



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