Tuesday, November 5, 2013

kermit the frog

We loved dressing up Crew for his first Halloween. I had been thinking about what costume for him to wear since before he was born, but didn't actually decide until about a week before Halloween. We went with a DIY costume...much better than spending $30 on something he'd wear once!

Materials: onesie, Rit dye, felt, pom pom balls, knit hat, something for leg warmers (or pants)

I mixed some Rit dye together (Kelly Green & Yellow) for the onesie. It was hard to get the color I wanted with a little trial and error, but it turned out ok! I also dyed some (adult size) tube socks to cut and use for his leg warmers, but they didn't hold the color for some reason. I ended up dying another onesie and cutting the sleeves off for "leg warmers." It was the best I could do last minute! I had also bought a pack of knit hats off of Amazon so I could dye the white one, but it also came with a lime green hat so we just used that instead. I hot glued the green pom poms to the top of his hat for the eyes and then drew eyes on white fabric to glue onto the pom poms. With the felt I cut out the Kermit collar and also little froggy hands and feet that were glued to his sleeves and socks. It turned out so cute and we had the cutest Kermie ever!

I'm probably going to hear about it for posting this pic, but I had to! We went to Trunk or Treat where my dad's work had a Duck Dynasty booth. Crew didn't recognize Lolly & Poppy!

A few days before Halloween we took Crew to a pumpkin patch for a few photos...

 Such a different Halloween from last year, but it was so much better! When we dressed up as the Sundrop couple last year, I would have never imagined that we would have a four week old a year later!
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  1. So cute! You did a great job making his costume!

  2. You did an amazing job with his costume!! HE'S IS SO DARLING!

  3. He is the most adorable little Kermit!! DIY'ing a baby costume is the way to go! We did the same for Noelle.

  4. It's so cute - he is so cute!! I should have made something!! I couldn't find anything that fit her! :)

  5. Awesome costume! What a wonderful little kermit!!! Too cute!


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