Monday, November 4, 2013

crew | one month

Another week has flown by. This week, Crew discovered how to smile. Up until now, he'd really only smiled when he was asleep and dreaming. We love just talking to him and watching him grin. He has the cutest smile and dimples! He's also found his voice and enjoys talking and cooing at us.

His eyebrows are so expressive!

Crew's first concert at 3 weeks, 1 day

Matching vests with Poppy

Will & I went out for our first date without Crew. It was hard leaving him! He stayed at my parents while we went to Texas Roadhouse and to see the movie Gravity (which we loved). We talked about Crew the entire time though and were anxious to get back to him!

Crew's first road trip was to Hardy, AR. This is where we always go camping every Fall and Spring. While we couldn't camp, it's a close enough drive to go for the day. Crew did so great in the car and slept the entire way there and back. We went antique shopping and Will did some fishing. It was my first time to wear my Moby wrap with Crew and we both loved it. It did feel like I was pregnant again carrying such a big baby (hello, back pain!), but it was much more convenient than pushing a stroller through cramped antique shops. It also kept us both pretty warm! Can't wait to wear him again!

Crew still loves being swaddled and held close. He likes sleeping on his daddy's chest, riding in the car, being outside and bath time. He doesn't like having his clothes changed or being strapped into his car seat!

Yesterday we celebrated several things. It was Crew's one month birthday. The past month has flown by. Our lives were changed for the better on October 3rd and we still look at Crew in complete awe that he is our son. I may be a little biased, but he is just the most handsome, sweet baby there is! It was also Crew's first day at church. I held him the entire time and he just snoozed in my arms. He did so good! There were several times I teared up during worship thinking about how just a few months ago I stood there pregnant and imagining holding our son in my arms. God has been so good in blessing our family with this precious baby.

Our church celebrated its 10 year anniversary yesterday as well as the grand opening of our new building and permanent church home. After meeting in homes, a school and a hotel the past 10 years, our church now has a home base for ministry within the city. This building has been prayed for and prayed over for years and it was amazing to see those prayers answered. The recurring theme for the morning at church was "God is faithful" and He is. Over and over again.

Crew is one month old. God is faithful.
We are free to raise our son loving God. God is faithful.
ICC celebrated 10 years serving downtown Memphis. God is faithful.
We were blessed with an amazing building to call our permanent church home.  God is faithful.

My matching boys. I love them so much it hurts.

We are so looking forward to many more months to come with our sweet boy!post signature


  1. How is he a month old already? Didn't you find out you were pregnant like last week?

  2. Oh my goodness, Crew is precious!


  3. He is so handsome!!! I just love his Halloween costume! Makes me so excited for mine to get here in February!

  4. Wow! 1 month already!! He is just getting cuter and cuter ;)

  5. ooommmgg! Adorable! I keep thinking that he can't be one month yet...Jacob's just one month..then I realize that Jacob is TWO months! Ahh!


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