Tuesday, December 3, 2013

december goals

I've been seeing "goal" posts floating around for some time now. I thought December would be a great month to start setting intentional goals with it being such a great month (my birthday and Crew's first Christmas!). I have so much I want to do and traditions I want to start now that we're a family of three.

- finish Crew's nursery
I can't believe I'm even having to set this goal. Before Crew was born, there wasn't a doubt in my mind that I would have his room done and it would be perfect. BUT as time got closer to his birthday and I got bigger, my motivation got smaller...as did my energy. The several craft projects I had started still aren't done. I'm so ready for everything to be completed and hanging on the walls in his room.

- start sleep training Crew
This is one that I wouldn't be too disappointed if it didn't happen this month because I know all babies are different. We are planning on using the 4-step system in Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old. It's recommended to not begin sleep training until the baby is 8 weeks old and well, we're at that point. By the end of the sleep training, Crew should sleep 12 hours through the night.

- cut down our Christmas tree
We've always had live Christmas trees, but never cut down our own. I thought this would be a fun tradition to start with Crew.

- hang an Advent calendar
This is also something we've never done, but is another tradition I would like to start with little Crew man. I'm planning on hanging this one from Naptime Diaries. I LOVE it.

- reopen my Etsy shop
Once I'm finished with all the crafting in Crew's nursery, I want to reopen my Etsy shop. Every single time I see my great friend, Kelly, she encourages me to do it. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out the balance between my sweet Crew baby and family and work and crafting. Yikes. 

- go on 3 dates with Will
It's so easy to not make time for each other with a baby in our lives now. It's not that I want to be away from Crew (because trust me, I DON'T), but I also need to be intentional in continually pursuing my relationship with my husband so that we can be the best parents possible for our son.
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1 comment:

  1. What was your etsy shop?? I can't wait to see his nursery done!! Good list of goals.


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