Thursday, January 2, 2014

maternity leave is over

I realize that I have totally neglected this blog for the past month. We had so much going on in December and I was just soaking up all the time I got to spend with Crew before going back to work. I can't believe I'm back at work officially. I worked a couple half days in December so the first day back wouldn't be such a shock.

The good news is that I get to bring my sweet baby to work with me a few days a week. While I wish so much that I could be home with him every day, I am beyond thankful for a boss who is so understanding and that loves kids so much! Crew has come to work with me twice so far and did so well. I can tell he is still trying to get used to being in a new place and figuring everything out, but it couldn't have gone better. I know it will be so hard for me to focus on my work while tending to Crew, but hopefully I'll get it figured out soon.

My office has turned into a nursery and I love it. We've got a Pack n' Play, a stroller, a bouncer, toys, a TV and so much more for sweet C. On the days that he doesn't come to work with me, he will be with either my mom or Will's mom. I am so grateful that we have grandma's in town who can come take care of Crew. It puts my mind at ease.

I never ever thought I would want to be a SAHM...until becoming pregnant. And that desire only intensified by about 1 million after our son was born. I don't want to miss a thing. Unfortunately, not working just isn't feasible for our family right now. I trust God's plan for our lives and know that if it's meant to be, He will pave the way someday. But for now, I am continuing to thank God for a great boss, great grandmas, and an even greater husband!

Since Will is substitute teaching right now (more on that later), school has not started back yet so he has Crew at home this week. I know C will love the bonding time with his daddy! Their first day together went great. I didn't have any doubt that it would. Crew loves Will!
Happy New Year!

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  1. I never wanted to be a SAHM either until I had my daughter. Once she came, it's all I could think about. Then when I got pregnant with my son, the desire was even stronger. We made it happen just before he was born and it's the best decision we ever made! Here's hoping you can do it too someday!

  2. I've always wanted to be a SAHM, but since I will (hopefully) always have the benefits at work and DH never will, I have to work. DH is mostly a SAHD, but will work occasionally. I wish J could come to work with me!

  3. Going back to work was so difficult for me. I just concentrate on one week at a time. Love that sweater he is wearing in the first pic, where did you get it?

  4. So sweet. Sounds like your little man has the perfect mix of time with mom, dad and grandmas. What a blessing to have those opportunities!


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