Sunday, January 5, 2014

2013 in review

What kind of blogger would I be if I didn't do a year in review post? I didn't plan on doing one until finding the following piece of paper in our 2013 memory jar. This has been the best year of our lives with the birth of Crew. This year brought blessing after blessing and I have loved looking back and reflecting on it.

Will and I started a new tradition of a memory jar with writing things on little pieces of paper throughout the year and then reading it the following New Year's Day. I'm so glad we chose to start this when we did!

We spent a lot of time together riding. We haven't done much of this since last January because of being pregnant.


I shared how we told our families about our big news

We celebrated Will's 25th birthday with dinner at Carrabba's

We celebrated 3 years of marriage by announcing our pregnancy on our anniversary

We went to our gender ultrasound and gave the secret envelope to Kelly for her to prepare for our party

We had our gender reveal party and found out that we were having a boy!

I shared why we chose Crew's name

Will graduated with his Masters from seminary

Will got ordained at Faith Baptist

I shared about all I've learned from pregnancy

I went to Myrtle Beach with my family....

...while Will went to Kenya, Tanzania and China

We had our first baby shower with the couples' group from church

Kelly took our maternity pictures

We were given our second baby shower at our home church

Kelly and Roxanna gave us our third baby shower

Only the greatest month of our lives...we had our first baby, Crew William Kassner. I shared all about his birth

Kelly took his newborn photos when he was 8 days old.

We celebrated Crew's one month birthday

We dedicated Crew to God in front of our church and family

I shared Crew's birth day video

We had our first Thanksgiving with our little turkey

Crew turned two months...already

We started cloth diapering full time and love it

I took Crew's picture for our Christmas card

We celebrated my 25th birthday

We had Crew's first Christmas!

Can't you see why this has been the best year...thus far?! I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for our little family. I'm so excited to watch Crew grow and learn and experience new things. God has truly blessed us!
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  1. This was a good year for y'all. And I'm older than you. Eesh.

  2. 2013 was a great year! So busy for you! :)

  3. Your precious baby Crew so beautiful! Just wanted to let you know that you have a new follower ~ just found your blog & I love it! Visit mine too if you have a chance, otherwise, keep blogging & I'll keep reading! much love, Olivia

    PS Hope you guys are having a great 2014 so far!! xoxo


Your sweet comments make my day! I LOVE hearing from you!