Thursday, January 30, 2014

what i'm loving...thursday?

I had every intention of being a little nostalgic of my early blogging days and making this a "what I'm loving Wednesday" post...but the day got away from me and here we are. Between working full time and being a mom, I can't manage to blog on a daily basis - or even sometimes a weekly basis!

I started thinking about what I'm loving these days and all I could think of was my little family. Our life revolves around Crew and I  L O V E it. He is our greatest joy and I wouldn't want it any other way. In the WILW posts I typically write about things on my wish list. As I scrolled through my Amazon & Pinterest wish lists, I noticed a theme.... the things I want most are for Crew. Whether it's the cutest little baby man clothes, a new gadget to help him magically sleep through the night (which he's doing for the most part), or teethers for the upcoming months, it's all for my sweet baby.

I thought more and more on the things I'm loving lately until finally realizing that the items on my wish list aren't tangible. I wish I could work from home and be with Crew. I wish for him to continue to grow into a healthy, happy baby. I wish for Will's dream job. I wish to open an online business in the coming months and for it to be successful. I wish for quality time with my family. I could go on and on...

Another thing I'm loving today are these photos that Kelly & John took last weekend when they had Valentine's mini sessions. I was a little worried because Crew hadn't napped all day so he was tired, and not to mention cold, so he wasn't smiling too much. BUT K&J didn't disappoint as usual! Isn't Crew the cutest!? And yes, that is his hat on my head!

Our weekdays to go by slow and fast at the same time. After waking up around 5 or 6 a.m. to eat, Crew is typically asleep again by the time I'm leaving for work. I come home every day at lunch to feed him (if he's not napping) so by the time I get there and he eats, it's time for me to get back to work. I get home in the evenings around 5:30 and Crew usually goes to sleep by 7:30-8:30. After laundry, dishes, trying to work out a few times a week and showering, I'm ready for bed! I absolutely hate only getting to spend about 3 hours with him each day. It goes by too fast. It makes me so sad and I've really been struggling with it. We've really began praying about it and what's to come for our family. It's because of this that I don't blog as much as I used to. Time spent with Crew is so precious and I don't want to waste a minute of it. I LOVE HIM!
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  1. cute pictures! such a sweet little family!

  2. Great pics! I'm thinking of having a little mini Valentine's Day shoot too :D


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