Saturday, February 1, 2014

one year ago today

One year ago today I woke up and began getting ready for my last workday of the week. Despite the 4 negative pregnancy tests I had taken in the two weeks leading up to this day, I still felt like I was pregnant. I had one pregnancy test left and decided to just go ahead and use it. Will was in the kitchen fixing cereal for breakfast and had no idea what I was doing. Within seconds the test showed two pink lines. I stood there in shock, tears filling my eyes. The baby we had been praying for for so long was finally in our life. I slowly walked out of the bathroom, holding the positive pregnancy test, ready to give Will the news. My face said it all. He was shocked, we were ecstatic and sat on the kitchen floor in disbelief of this greatest blessing.

Look where we are now. We have the most perfect baby boy and are happier than we ever dreamed. I can't even remember what life was like before Crew. He brings us so much joy and I can't wait to see where the next year takes us. Thank you, God for our son.

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  1. This brought tears to my eyes - just beautiful!

  2. He has the best facial expressions. Hard to believe that he's been in your life for only a year!

  3. haha love this little guy! He's got the best facial expressions!! Our familyversary is March 8th! I can't believe it's been 2 years!!!

  4. so crazy to think ho much has changing in a year! so thankful you have your handsome healthy baby boy! this pictures are adorable!


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