Wednesday, March 11, 2015

five years of marriage

Ok, ok, ok... I've been reading old posts on the blog and realizing that I miss it, mainly for the documenting big and small events that would otherwise be forgotten. (especially with Crew!) I want to try and make time to document things again so I won't regret not doing it down the road!

One of those "big" events was our FIVE year wedding anniversary we just celebrated on March 6th. I just can't believe it's been five years already. Doesn't seem possible! Will surprised me on the 5th and told me we were taking a weekend vacation. He had already made plans and arranged for Crew to spend the weekend with my parents. I'll be honest, I was excited...but I was instantaneously feeling anxious about leaving Crew. One, because it would be the longest that I had been away from him before and two, because I've been feeling guilt over having our parents watch him on weekends when that's usually the only time we get each week to spend time as a family. They have all been so great to watch Crew when we are needing to work on weekends for things for Accrewed Design or Crew + Co

I packed a last minute bag and off we went to Fairhope, AL. I just love Fairhope and it's small-town life. Will had never been before so it was perfect for the two of us to explore together. I realized just how much we needed some one on one time to focus on each other. It was so refreshing and we need to make more of a point to do that more often. So much of the time we are focused on Crew and what his needs are that we forget to focus on us and what are needs are as husband and wife. 

We spent most of the time eating...and then eating some more. We explored little antique shops, one of our favorite things to do together! We went down to Gulf Shores for the day. Unfortunately it was in the 50's and SO windy that morning so we didn't stay long, but it was still so fun. 

I'm so thankful for my sweet husband and the effort he put into making this a fun and memorable anniversary! I can't wait for the many more to come!

This breakfast was SO GOOD. The french toast satisfied my pregnancy sweet tooth just as I hoped!
Julwin's in Fairhope

Sunset Pointe in Fairhope

Will's oyster request for dinner... I stuck with the pasta
Wintzell's in Fairhope

Gulf Shores

Fairhope Pier (25 weeks pregnant!)

 Again, my sweet tooth. To my defense, I ONLY have a sweet tooth when I'm pregnant! Will got blueberry cheesecake and banana pudding and I (of course) got cotton candy.
Old Dutch Ice Cream in Mobile

Of course, the day we left Crew woke up with a cough. That turned into a cold and I just knew it had something to do with him cutting teeth. He cut his 3rd molar over the weekend and it just made him miserable. Every. Single. Time. he gets a new tooth, he gets some sort of cold. Without fail. This time it was accompanied by fever on Friday and Saturday which is something that hasn't happened before. Luckily he was very well taken care of while we were gone, but I was so glad to get back to him! You can tell how unlike himself he looks in this photo from Sunday with his watery eyes, flushed cheeks and runny nose! I hate seeing him feel bad! Tooth #11 was a pesky one!

This just HAD to be documented. We got home Sunday afternoon and it was time for Crew to nap. He woke up about an hour later and Will went to get him out of bed. When he didn't come back after several minutes I looked on the monitor and saw this. Oh, you better believe it brought tears! (Blame it on the hormones!) Crew hasn't let us rock him in months and months so I know he didn't feel good for this to be happening. I'll admit, I was a little jealous of Will!...ok, a lot jealous!

1st anniversary: Savannah, GA (see photos in 3rd ann. post)
2nd anniversary: Savannah, GA (see photos in 3rd ann. post)
4th anniversary: Weekend in Nashville with Crew (not blogged...see what I'm saying about doumenting?!)


  1. Glad y'all had a happy anniversary! The photo of you in front of the sunset is beautiful.

  2. I echo what she wrote about that one photo of you! So cute. I dream of visiting that area at some point.. Your pics make it look so appealing and delicious :)!

    Happy anniversary!


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