Monday, March 30, 2015

weekend without 'dada'

Will went on a belated birthday camping trip this past weekend with his dad, my dad, and my two brothers. They camped at the Buffalo River in AR and seemed to have a lot of fun! That left Crew and I with a reason to spend the weekend with my mom. It's Monday afternoon now and I am STILL feeling worn out from chasing that little munchkin around all weekend! Whew! And 32 lbs is seeming heavier and heavier to pick up each week that my pregnancy goes by! Crew is definitely my "workout" routine this pregnancy.

This is his favorite selfie face to make. Ask Crew "where's your nose?" and this is the face you get.

We went to the Spring Market on Friday and found Crew's adorrrrrable Easter outfit, went to dinner with the girls (Nana, Kathy, Brit) on Friday night, breakfast with Nana Saturday morning, and to my parents' church on Sunday morning. Crew thinks that he owns the place when we're at our church each week, and apparently he thinks the same thing about any church. He was a wild man running all over the place and I was worn. out. when we left there!

Crew's new best friend is my parents' cat. He laid his head down next to Milk Dud and just kept saying "niii niii" (night night). The sweetest!

I was able to get a lot of work done this weekend on my calligraphy orders thanks to my mom entertaining Crew. He had fun with Lolly!

And it looks like Will had a fun weekend like we did!

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